Xpango, A Free Gift Giving Website

Please Note: This article is copied from a website Power Point, a business website of the author of this blog. So it is not illegel copy.

This article is about an website Xpango Free Generation. It is being published to this blog because this is a favorite website of author and this blog is just about favorities of author. Please don’t mind!

Xpango is a leading online gift giving web store. It has a unique service that is credit system. This article briefly explain Xpango!. Lets read about the Xpango.

Xpango is an online store offering people to get free electronics gift by a unique way of gaining credits. Credit system is just like points. Xpango offer a wide rang of Smart Phones, Tablet and Laptops etc. Every product has a number of credits associated with that. Xpango ask members to select a gift that the member wish and then gain credites for that. After gaining all credites, the member is rewarded with his gift with free ship to worldwide.

How to gain Xpango Credites?

There are three ways to gain credites at fanbox. These are Buying Clicks(promoting your referrel link), Completing Offers and Referring Xpango. All of these are very easy to do. I’m dividing all these so article could be easy to read and understand.

Referring Xpango

Referring xpango is most easy way to gain credites for the selected gifts. Xpango provide you a link to share with your friends and ask them to join Xpango. After joining, whenever your friend complet an offer or buy a Click Package, the referre is rewarded is 1 Credit.

Completing Offers

2nd way to gain credits for selected gift is completing offers at Xpango. Xpango Offers are the offers like signups for the partners of Xpango, Buying a product from a partner of Xpango etc. Offers can be premium or free, but overall these are free because completing premium is not to waste money, it is to buy, it mean you get credites as well as a product for your purchase. So everywhere free Gift.

Buying Clicks

Buying clicks is a bit risk. It is a programm that you buy clicks to your referral link that will be promoted by the Xpango team. The Xpango promot you referral link at many site so your link get clicked. It is not sure that will the person who clicked, will signup or ignore but it could be amazing that you get bounce credites for your purchase of clicks package and it will be more amazing when the click man will signup for Xpango.

One thing more Free

Yes there is also a more offer for you to get credites. It is Xpango Weakened programm. Xpango weakened programm let you to win 1 free credit every weak. All you need to do is just to like Xpango Facebook Page and share weakened link posted to the page every weak and comment with your referral id to that post. This offer is also available at Xpango Twitter Account, where you need to retweet the Weakened tweet and replay with your referral id. Then it will be draw and the winner will be given 1 credite. Note that you can increase your chance of winning by attending both twitter and facebook program.

Are you not a Xpango?
If you are not a Xpango member and want to signup for that, please credite me by signing up through clicking here.
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