Category Archives: My Music

Mansoor Malangi – My Legend

Mansoor Malangi was a beloved and a great Punjabi Folk Singer. He was my best singer. He was born in Jhang from a small family of Garh Mor.
He started his singing career from Radio Pakistan Lahore in 1965. Soon as he started he became a popular singer due to his unique voice, beloved styles and unbelievable choice of stanzas in his songs. He became even more popular across all Pakistan when in 1970 he sang the song ” Ik Phul Motia Da Mar Ke Jaga Sonirye”. You would not believe how much this song was sad and great but you should believe that it was as that as i enjoy it all day these day. In work, in play, in lunch, in dinner and more. He is even now popular due to alot of things those are listed below so you would believe it.

  • He had a great sad voice.
  • He had a style that make a difference that was ” a piece of poetry he started, then let it and started new one, then completed it and started new, then completed it and restarted first one he started and completed it.
  • He sang the Sufi Songs written by Sufi Poets like Ghulam Fareed etc and had a discussion type stanzas those directly goes to talk with GOD.
  • He was one of the best singers of Pakistan. Govt of Pakistan awarded him with Presidental Pride of Performance for his services of promoting Saraiki Music all over the World.
    As Wasif Malangi, He released more then 200 Music Albums those have the great songs like ” Ik Phul Motia Da, Khand Ghara De, Jehra Samran Ghar, Rondian Umer Guzari and much, much and more.
    He was died at 20th December 2015 in Jhang. As Wasif Malangi, one of his disciples, He got prey to High Blood Pressure on Wednesday late night and were taken to nearest clinic but he fatal Heart Attack there and died instantly. Oh My God! He is survived by 11 sons, 9 daughters and three widows besides countless fans all across world. May God keep him in peace.
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